
Voice of the Connected User Landscape

Insight into ever-changing connected technology buying behavior and preferences.

VoCUL is delivered across these service lines:
  • Endpoints & IoT

    Latest consumer device and IoT trends including smart homes, wearables, smartphones, connected cars, tablets and PCs.

  • Connected Customer

    Latest consumer sentiment, attitudes and behaviors regarding connected experiences, including spending expectations, trust and privacy indexes, mobile payment usage, digital commerce desires, and new customer touchpoints and conversational interfaces.

Learn More About Voice of the Connected User Landscape

VocUL survey results and analysis are delivered via written data and analytical reports, Excel-based crosstabs, PowerPoint charts, webinars and custom data cuts.

VoCUL service deliverables:

  • End-User Survey Data

    Quarterly and monthly tracking of end-user survey data

  • Survey Results Charts

    Two powerful lenses into the maturity cycle of connected products and services

  • Insight Report

    Thousands of survey data points curated into key topic areas

Analyst Access

VoCUL subscribers get unlimited access to 'spot' inquiry time with quantitative analysts to discuss data points or methodologies.

Key Analysts