Despite being complex, multi-million-dollar projects, clients expect datacenters to be built within weeks at an ever-lower cost, then to operate without fail as efficiently as possible for years, adapting along the way to technology that hasn’t been invented yet. Facilities must be the right size, in the right location, with the right connectivity. Datacenter vendors and service providers are responding to these challenges by becoming more flexible and adopting new technical approaches, but more change and pressure will test the industry in the years ahead.

在我们的2020 Datacenter服务和基础设施预览报告yabo07趋势,我们检查了五个趋势影响数据中心服务和基础设施yabo07行业明年。我们评价每种趋势,都具有低,中或高影响,为市场的参与者提供建议,并预测赢家和输家将在不断变化的数据中心服务和基础设施景观中。yabo07

  • 并购将继续,但目标的简单较小
  • 数据中心必须更快地演变以跟上技术的变化
